
Skye is a Blue Merle Border Collie. After we lost Mable our intention was to get another Welsh Springer Spaniel, but at that time my cousin Domini, who has been breeding Border Collies for 40 years, had a litter of puppies. We went to look at the litter and the rest is history. Skye is undoubtedly our most intelligent dog. She learns commands very quickly and unlike our other dogs, never gets tangled up on her lead in the motorhome! She is extremely energetic and her favourite games are playing ball or frisbee and chasing Wood Pigeons and Squirrels. Her first major trip with us was in 2023 and she showed herself to be the perfect motorhome dog. Six hour travelling days without a murmur; sits quietly outside the motorhome ignoring other dogs or people; and doesn’t wake up until we are ready to stir.

Mable is our second Springer Spaniel. We have had her since she was a puppy in 2008. She has not yet grown up and has more energy than she knows what to do with. Again she is loving and very gentle in the family, but is a little bit nervous and tends to bark at strangers or dogs that get too close. She settles down once they are introduced to her, but it does mean visitors to our motorhome can be assured of a noisy welcome.
Mable sadly passed away in October 2020.

He is my unexpected favourite. When Sarah’s mother’s Shih-tzu cross died after 17 years of loyal friendship, Eileen eventually wanted a replacement. She chose Melek, who is a pedigree Shi-tsu. He was a two year old who was not wanted by his then owners. Unfortunately Melek did not fit in at Eileen’s house and he ended up coming to live with us.
I was not happy. We were not Shih-tzu people. We had had a Golden Retriever and two Welsh Springer Spaniels.
Melek has proved himself a star. He is for a start comedy gold. He doesn’t mean to be funny, but several times a day he makes me laugh with some antic or other. He has also proved himself not to be the purely toy dog that I had imagined. When we first got him he could not walk more that two miles. We had to adapt a backpack so we could put him in when he got tired on one of our long walks with the Spaniels. However he can now manage 12 miles in rugged terrain, providing we have a break or two. I would not say he was a natural outside dog, like a Spaniel, but he’s no slouch.
Unfortunately had an injury to his eye in 2015 and despite the vet’s best efforts to save it, eventually the eye had to be removed. We saw a specialist ophthalmic vet who informed us that Melek’s eye’s protrude too far from his skull and so were especially vulnerable to corneal ulcers and other damage. At his recommendation we had the skin around his other eye reduced in size to minimise the risk of damage to his remaining eye and when we walk him in areas where there is long grass or other vegetation he wears special Doggles!!! So if you ever see a Shih-tzu out walking in cool sunglasses it will be Melek.
Melek sadly passed away in May 2022

Molly was a Welsh Springer Spaniel who we had since a puppy. Unfortunately she died in May 2016.
Like all Springer Spaniels she was a loving, loyal and until she grew up, mad as a box of frogs. Note Springer Spaniels are grown up by about the age of 11!!!
She was born in the summer of 2003. Towards the end of her life she had a few health problems, the main one being cancer.
She is sadly missed and travelling without her won’t quite be the same.