A Life in the Slow Lane

And Relax

We’ve had a really lazy day today. Basil is rooted to the soil at our wildcamping spot near Aguilas and we have been almost equally inert.

Sarah’s morning walk with the dogs took her to the next beach along the coast and apparently there are forty plus motorhomes parked nose to tail and some of them look as if they have been there all winter. One has even built a little personal enclosure next to the their motorhome. Not so much a bunch of tourists, more like a multinational group of travellers.

Looks like he’s here for the season

Such was my lethargy I can only record a walk up an adjacent hill to take some photographs and an amble along the beach with Sarah and the dogs, where I met and had a long conversation with some Hymer owning Brits.

Our beach from a different perspective

Other than that its been sitting in the lovely sun reading – in my case the excellent Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L Shirer. As fascinating look at Hitlers regime from an American journalist who was a reporter in Germany during the 1930s and was embedded with the Wermacht’s troops as they invaded France. It’s 1300 pages long so I may be reading it for some time!

Looking to the south from a hill adjacent to our beach
A view inland