I was going to title this blog something flippant like “A14 – but not to Cambridge” because we spent the whole day on the A14 motorway heading south, but the BBC carries news that a bridge, we travelled under today,…
Mosaics, Mosaics Everywhere
Today we “did” Ravenna. To put Ravenna’s importance into context a little (very little) history is required. As the Roman Empire was breaking up and splitting into a western and eastern empire, the western emperors, casting around for a city…
Raging Bull in the Po Valley
Today’s journey to Ravenna, took us through a part of Italy we have never before visited – the Po Valley. The landscape seemed most un-Italian to us. Most of Italy is mountainous, or at the very least hilly, but today…
Those of a nervous disposition may wish to read no further. This post may contain a photograph of my underpants (if you look very hard). The tedium that is Laundrygate dragged on into a third day. So dull is our…