The Cinque Terre are five villages which perch on the sea edge beneath impossibly vertiginous hills. Until recently it was not possible to reach them, except by footpath, and the communities earned their living from fishing and growing the steepest…
A Rainy Day in Liguria
When I woke to the sound of drumming on Basil’s roof, like Keith Moon on acid (look it up kids), I knew we were not going to the Cinque Terre today. It was raining – heavily. A day of persistent…
Italian Engineering – Magnificent
It was my turn for the early morning dog walk today. I don’t often undertake this chore, but a walk along the Italian riviera as the sun rises makes it almost worth getting out of bed at an unearthly hour.…
Italy – We love you
We love Italy. That’s official. We’ve only been here for 24 hours and we’re already waxing lyrical to each other about how great the architecture is, the people are, food is etc. etc. We’ve spent many holidays in Italy and…