It always gives me a perverse sense of national pride to see a Brit abroad behaving in an archetypical eccentric fashion. Parked beside us at Camping Lamego were an elderly English couple, with whom we got on very well. This…
Stairway to Heaven
Yes, today Sarah, the dogs and I first descended and then climbed the closest thing we are ever going to see to a stairway to heaven. That may be a bit unfair of me to make assumptions about the dogs’…
The Douro Valley
Yesterday as the heat dissipated a little, we took the relatively short walk into Guimaraes. Guimaraes’ fame is based upon it having been Portugal’s first capital when its first King Dom Alfonso Henriques based his court here. Its pre-eminence only…
Life in the very very slow slow slow lane
I’m sure you have all been very worried about the lack of birding news. Well I have some good news for you and some bad. The good news is that yesterday I took my new binoculars for a long walk…