A Life in the Slow Lane

That’s All Folks

Wimereux has turned out to be a very pleasant place to end this trip. It’s a small and pretty seaside town peppered with grand houses from the end of the 19th Century.

Wimereux Promenade

The weather has been kind, in fact my favourite kind of weather – about 20º C, clear skies and a slight breeze. Just like a perfect summers day at home!

We’ve pigged out on croissants and lovely french bread; wandered along the seafront; and generally chilled out.

Doors on one of the hundreds of small beach huts.

One jarring note is how expensive France is becoming compared to most of its European counterparts, especially when it comes to eating out. We treated ourselves to a seafood lunch in Wimereux and although the restaurant was nothing special the cheapest bottle of wine on the menu was €26! In many restaurants in Southern Europe you could get four litres of wine for that price!!

The dogs made their trip to the vet and got a thorough examination and then their compulsory worming tablets. They both seem in good health. The bill at €80 was the most expensive we have received for this compulsory treatment and that may put us off returning to Wimereux, which otherwise is a convenient place to wait for the tunnel.

Wimereux’s very popular with kite surfers

This will be the last post of this trip, because we cross using Eurotunnel tomorrow and we will then spend a couple of days with Sarah’s sister in Hastings before returning home for a summer of fun. It’s Sarah and my 35thWedding Anniversary; my 60thBirthday; our eldest son is getting married; I’ve apparently got a birthday trip to Paris to look forward to; and we’re meeting up with friends at the Cambridge Folk Festival; and that’s just for starters!

At the moment we do not intend to undertake a big trip in Basil this autumn, although that could of course change. We will be taking him away for regular short breaks but our current intention is to spend four or five weeks in India later in the year and I’m afraid I am not brave enough to navigate India’s roads in our pride and joy! Also Basil tells me he has a delicate stomach!

I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about this year’s trip and when we set off again next year you may wish to follow us again. My early thoughts are the southern half of Spain and Portugal, since the weather will be good in Spring and we haven’t yet explored that area.