We seem to have done nothing since March 2020, other than make sad posts. In May 2022 our beautiful little travelling companion Melek shuffled off his mortal coil.

Ever since we got him, as a two year old, he had a heart murmur. This never seemed to bother him, as we put him through a gruelling exercise routine, so he could, sort of, keep up with Mabel.
Unfortunately, in Autumn 2021, he started to suffer from heart failure. The vet prescribed some medication and it did not cause him any distress right up to the last day. His walks became shorter and we bought a second hand children’s buggy to take him longer distances.
In May 2022, we took him for a family holiday in a cottage in Harlech. He had a last gambol on the beach and then one morning he rapidly deteriorated considerably. We set off on a long journey to the nearest vet and he passed away peacefully on Sarah’s lap before we got there.
RIP Melek. He was never meant to be our dog, but Sarah’s Mum didn’t get on with him, so he came to live with us. He was a joyful companion, constantly making us laugh. He will be sadly missed.
We are not supposed to have favourite dogs, but I have to admit that, strangely, he was mine.