A Life in the Slow Lane

Lazing the Whole Day Through

Wednesday 26th to Saturday 29th April

Team Basil have had a bit of a break. On Wednesday we did a shop and then travelled and hour or so down the coast to Camping Mimosa (€19 38.511243, 15.921832) which we had enjoyed in 2017. We are not disappointed. The facilities may be a little bit tired, but we got a huge pitch, the owner is very pleasant and the site is full of cared for vegetation, not least Mimosa, which is now past its best. Last, but not least, we get our own bathroom!

Basil’s Large Pitch, complete with the second load of washing

The weather has been glorious. Clear blue skies and about 20ºC in the shade. Shorts and t-shirts are the order of the day

The beach

Camping Mimosa sits in a very isolated location, on a long sandy beach, looking out, in the distance, at the large volcano, Stromboli. The fact that the site is isolated means that there is nothing to do except relax. There are a few exceptions. I’ve spent much of the three days planning Sicily in as much detail as possible. Sarah has put two loads through the washing machine. Skye, of course, never relaxes!

One of the many flowers

Fortunately for us a Swiss boy of about 12 took instantly to Skye and at regular intervals took her off to play frisbee. When he brought her back, exhausted, it took Skye a few minutes and then she was ready again, picking up her frisbee and offering it to anyone who walked past! Skye and her playmate had a great time on Thursday and Friday and when he left I think he was as sorry as Skye. His departure has not stopped Skye offering her frisbee to all and sundry, but we have found an isolated and empty football pitch on the site and Sarah and I have taken it in turns to play frisbee with her.


Tomorrow we catch the ferry to Sicily. It is a good job I did some planning. Initially I had intended to travel anticlockwise around the island, but having plotted all the places we wished to visit it became apparent a clockwise direction makes more sense.

Stromboli. Whoops, the sea’s not straight!
And yet more Frisbee!!!