Spring finally seems to have arrived in the southwest with a lovely clear crisp day greeting me when I finally extricated myself from my pit. We had already decided that today was a day for a walk and so we…
Not so plain Salisbury
I think I put my foot in it with our host last night. When the farmer came to collect our camping fee I made some remark about him collecting vintage tractors and he told me that they all ran and…
Slip Sliding Away
Basil spent a quiet night on the car park in Winchester, with only one other motorhome for company. For anyone else wanting to use this facility, be aware that “DialaRide” coaches park up here for the night, so unless you…
Hooray for Winchester
Today, before we started for Winchester, we got a call from Sarah’s Uncle Geoff informing us of a bit of family history. Sarah’s x4 Great Grandfather used to work on the railways in the mid 19th century and his station…