A Life in the Slow Lane

Raring to Go

Basil, straining at the leash

So, after six weeks of hard(ish) work in retirement Basil is packed and ready to set off tomorrow.

Sarah retired last Friday and we’ve had farewell get togethers with friends in Leeds and on a campsite in Bridlington. Much drink was taken and many salty tears shed – not really.

We’ve also said goodbye to our sons, Sam and Jake. Jake lives locally but we went over to see Sam in perennially damp Manchester on Monday.

With all the goodbyes said and all the packing complete, we set off tomorrow for 36 hours with Sarah’s sister on the South Coast.

Now we are retired there is no need to tackle the whole journey in one mad dash. We are taking our time, ambling to the South Coast over two days. Now that’s what I call a life in the slow lane!